
Does supplementary dental insurance make sense or not?

Does supplementary dental insurance make sense or not?

More and more people are attaching importance to high-quality dentures. At the same time, a beautiful and well-maintained set of teeth is increasingly becoming a question of cost. But how useful is supplementary dental insurance and for whom is it worthwhile? While the co-payments for a cast metal crown or a bridge are still manageable, an implant can swallow up an entire month's salary. Supplementary dental insurance protects patients from high co-payments at the dentist.

When is private supplementary dental insurance worthwhile?

Private supplementary dental insurance is still recommended in 2021 for all people with statutory insurance who are expected to incur expenses for dental prostheses in the future. Those who already have a lot of fillings in their younger years are very likely to require further measures such as crowns or bridges in the future.

This also applies to people who have already had root fillings. Here, too, it will hardly be possible to avoid bridges or implants at a later date. In any case, patients suffering from periodontitis should take out supplementary dental insurance in good time. Experience has shown that the loss of teeth occurs at an early stage, resulting in extensive dental measures. For these people, supplementary dental insurance makes sense. The earlier such supplementary insurance is taken out, the lower the premiums, so supplementary dental insurance for children can also be worthwhile.


What should supplementary dental insurance cover?

In order to ensure that taking out supplementary dental insurance is really worthwhile for the insured, certain minimum standards should already be covered in any case when making the comparison. In any case, dental prostheses including implants should be covered.

Inlays made of gold or ceramic and ceramic veneers for bridges and crowns are also part of the basic coverage. For these, the supplementary dental insurance should cover at least 60 percent of the costs. Patients who want to be reimbursed for implants should also make sure that the costly bone augmentation is also insured.


Disadvantages of supplementary dental insurance

The disadvantages of supplementary dental insurance are mostly determined by the terms and conditions of the various providers. First of all, one should be aware that a complete assumption of the costs is not possible. Even with the best offers, between 10 and 15 percent of the costs incurred must be borne by the insured person. To this end, insurance companies have protected themselves against patients taking out supplementary dental insurance shortly before treatment. In most cases, there is a short waiting period.

In the event that a dental problem is already known before the policy is taken out, the insurance company will not pay any benefits for this. Depending on the insurance company, the waiting period can be up to eight months. In addition, some insurance companies have maximum annual reimbursement rates for up to five years. However, there are also supplementary dental insurances without a waiting period.


Is supplementary dental insurance always possible?

In principle, it is possible for everyone to take out supplementary dental insurance, but the insurance company can also reject an application. This is usually the case if high costs are already to be expected due to poor dentition. In no case should false information about the condition of the dentition be given when applying. Most insurance companies check the information provided at the latest after receipt of the first invoice and refuse reimbursement in case of doubt.

Who can do without supplementary dental insurance?

Although supplementary dental insurance is a thoroughly sensible preventive measure, it is not worthwhile for everyone. People who naturally have a good and healthy set of teeth, so that no major measures are expected in the coming years, can certainly do without such insurance. In case of doubt, it is then cheaper to save the money for the supplementary insurance elsewhere and use it later for necessary dental treatment.


Conclusion on supplementary dental insurance

Supplementary dental insurance is worthwhile for most people if they value high-quality dentures. To avoid exclusions, it is advisable to take out supplementary dental insurance as early as possible. If the teeth are in good condition, the premiums are lower and measures carried out later are covered in any case. To get an initial overview, it is worth taking a look at the results of the supplementary dental insurance tests.


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